Sunday, July 15, 2018

It's Surgery Time

On Wednesday, I had upper jaw surgery.

As you read this, I will be recuperating. 

The jaw surgery process is not an easy one.  It involves a lot of sleeping upright, (if you’re able to sleep), a 30-day “no chew” diet, trying to get liquids and nutrients in so you can heal, while you are dealing with lips and cheeks that are numb. It involves patience.

It involves more things that I don’t need to go into detail to. Things that aren’t “pretty.” Things that need to heal. 

And it’s a slow healing process.

*It will take me close to 5 months to be able to eat completely normally again.

*It will probably take close to 6 months, before my braces get to come off.

*And it will take up to a year, for any lasting stubborn swelling and numb spots to go away.

Won’t you say a prayer for me?

I’m ready. But can you ever be completely ready for what you will go through?

They say the first week is the toughest. 

I’d love it if you’d pray for:

*Pain and swelling management

*That I will be able to swallow and get enough liquids and nutrients in, to help me navigate this first week much more smoothly.

*For sleep.

*For no infections to creep in.

*For strength. Emotional. And Physical.

*For my family as they help take care of me. That they will know how to help me get the nutrients I will need, the sleep I will need, the pain management I will need - and the love and support I will need.

*For no lasting side effects or unfortunate “damage.” For COMPLETE healing of my jaw, teeth, face, and mouth.

Thank you so much. This has been a big thing facing me in my life, and I’m ready to welcome in the changes that this procedure will bring to my overall health.

Hopefully, I’ll be back on my feet in no- time. 

~ Dionna

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