Thursday, June 13, 2019

When You Feel Like a Target

There are times where I feel like Satan is just really after me and my family.

I feel like we’re a target.

Ever feel that way?

You have thing after thing go wrong…. Your emotions are raw…. And it’s not even just spiritual. I’ve felt sometimes that he’s even after my PHYSICAL blood. I have near-misses and moments during these times, where I’m shedding physical blood - even if it’s only drops.

And we feel this way, because it’s true.

Satan is indeed after us. He’s after our families.

I know at times, I want to shrink back and disappear. I don’t want the devil to even know I exist.

But I’m learning that I’m much safer sealed in God’s protection and blood; fighting as His warrior - than I am hiding in lukewarm apathy.

Satan will come after us one way or another. Do you not think he sees your potential even when you don’t?

I can pretend all I want that I’m not in a spiritual battle. But I am.

I can feel weak, unworthy, emotional, and so incapable of handling all that is thrown at me. But it doesn’t change the fact that it will… indeed… get thrown at me.

These times draw me ever closer to the One who IS capable. To the One who IS worthy and strong. To the One who CAN protect me, grow me, strengthen me, and teach me.

They draw me in to the One who CAN hide me and shelter me with His ever-loving hands.

And that’s the only place I really want to be in.

So, when my family feels like a target - I am learning to draw my sword. Sometimes I do it in weariness. Sometimes, I do it in tears. But I draw it. And I call satan out for who he is. I let him know I KNOW what’s going on. And he may get my emotions on some days, he may get my physical blood at times - but he will NEVER get me. And he will not get my family.

Because I’m a fighter.

Are you?

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