Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Perfect Isn't So "Perfect"

Part of me loves how a mom can weave and hold the fabric of a household together. The other part of me at times, feels so overwhelmed by it.

Over the years, God has taught me some very personal lessons on this very thing.  I have seen, how I used to be so easy-going as a young adult woman. Then, as a young mom, I somehow became more serious. I got intense about each and every decision I made as a mom - so fearful of “blowing it.”

Can you relate? Do you know that feeling?

Although I never want to regret being intentional about making the right choices and moves in life… I do look back and see how those moments could so easily elevate into “high-strung” and “intense” moments.

All because of the elusive desire for “perfection."

So, I worked on changing those attitudes and desires; worked on moving into a more balanced way of managing my home.

You see, God spoke to my heart. He  showed me over the years, that perfection is highly overrated. 

What is "perfect" anyways? 

Someone will always be more perfect than us in our minds. Someone's home will always be more perfect. Someone's look, style, way of speaking, way of parenting, and even their way of handling life, will be more "perfect" than ours. 

So what is perfect?

When Jesus came to earth, He never tried to be perfect. 

Let your mind grasp that for a minute. 

He was here as a man. Did he make sure his feet were washed and he was "perfectly" clean and presentable before seeing others? No. 

He felt their presence was more important. 

Did He care that Mary and Martha's home was perfectly in order, or that their meal was immaculately prepared? No. 

He wanted their companionship more. 

And that is what God is showing me. That, people matter MORE.

God has shown me that "perfect" isn't so perfect. We can try to do our best out of love for those in our life, but we need to reframe our priorities and standards of perfection.

Our best today might be to clean our whole house; whereas tomorrow, our best might simply be to make the bed.  You see? It’s not perfection that matters.. it’s simply doing our best at the life we’ve been given.

We have all been too hard on ourselves, holding ourselves up to standards that no one can live up to.

Do your best. Do your best out of love for yourself, and for others. But prioritize being with people, more than delivering something TO people. Prioritize soaking in your moments together as a family. They won’t remember the dust-free shelves as much as they will remember the laughs or the tears you shared in conversation together!

Let’s walk together in the Lord, faithfully doing our “best” - but saying goodbye to “perfect.” For it will ever-tempt us with its elusive and unattainable standards that will only overwhelm us.

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