Saturday, February 9, 2013

Think Positive

We’ve all heard those two words – “Think positive.” Applying them is not always easy to do. Some days we just feel torn up about ourselves, life, etc. It can be hard to motivate yourself when you are so busy being down on yourself all of the time!  But it can be done.

I used to be the “glass is always half full” kind of girl. Life has bounced me around a little and I’ll be honest, some of that optimism rubbed off. It left me for awhile. Why? I was too busy wallowing in my own pity party. Yes, some things stink sometimes. And we just want to kick our feet in the dirt and yell about it. So, I say – kick your feet in the dirt, yell a little bit; then move on.

There are a few things that help motivate me when I’m struggling to be optimistic about things.

1.     Look for something to smile about. It’s amazing how when you look to frown – you will find tons of things to frown about. But the same can be said when you look to smile. I’ve had my mood change at seeing geese fly overhead or a squirrel scamper up a nearby tree. Because I enjoy seeing those rare moments.  Children are also fabulous at getting you to smile as they simply go about their day being themselves. Whatever it is, smile. Smile lots. And enjoy smiling.

2.     Pray. Get on your knees. Better yet, lay face down on the floor. When I do this, it is very humbling and immediately puts my thoughts and “issues” in perspective for me.

3.     Love those around you. Love is an amazing eraser. It can melt your heart in seconds. Hug and love those who are important to you – in those who care about you. Being with them and spending time loving on them will guide your heart and help you calm down about your frustrations elsewhere.

4.     Listen to upbeat music or watch a movie that inspires you. Media is a great resource in influencing our feelings and our attitudes. Use it to your advantage.

5.     Get some rest. Make sure you are getting enough sleep. I know I’m always edgier and more confused or frustrated when I don’t get enough sleep. So do what it takes to get that sleep in. Then, in addition, give yourself some “time outs” during the day to relax and rest. If you work, take your lunch break and go sit quietly in your car somewhere eating a peaceful lunch. If you have little ones, plop them down for a short movie and go do nothing but lay on your bed thinking and looking out your window. These exact scenarios might not work for you – but they may spur some ideas that will.

6.     Do what you enjoy. Make sure you partake of those things that bring joy to your heart! Whether it’s reading, knitting, volunteering at the local school or hospital, playing golf…whatever it is…. make sure you find time to do that thing. I truly believe that people live longer when they are happier.  Happy people find it very easy to be positive and optimistic.

These are just a few examples. They may seem simple in and of themselves, but each one is an important catalyst in helping you make the choice to look for the positive in your life.

Dreams are delayed. Some even die. But I believe there is always a dream to be had. Always a light that is waiting to be lit by someone. You just have to look for it. And sometimes this life of ours can beat us up so much that we don’t want to lift our eyes anymore – lest we be afraid of what we see. 

Let’s not be afraid to lift our eyes anymore. Think positive. Believe positive. Invest yourself in the positive. And positive things will find their way to your heart.

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